Friday, May 21, 2010

CND~Sugar Buzz

I know all the cool kids have already posted the new CND Spring/Summer 2010 polish and effect, but I picked this up yesterday and had to share it too.  Sugar Buzz is the duo of a candy colored pink creme Colour and a silvery-white glitter Effect.  The glitter is differented sizes of glitter and small flakies.  This is a great set that I recommend picking up.

Sweet is just that a sweet, bright pink cream. 

Sugar Sparkle is a great combo if silver and white glitter and small flakies.  It really looks like crushed shimmery sugar.

I looked around the web and found Sugar Buzz hereI believe this is a limited edition Colour and Effect and you really do need them :)


Unknown said...

oooh i really like this! i haven't been too crazy about the "effects" but i love this one!

Polish'd Cindy said...

This effect is really cool and different from the other ones!