Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Here are a few more Zoya swatches for you viewing pleasure :)

Moxie is beautiful berry creme.

Ki is a purple shimmer duo chrome.  It really has a green flash to it, you just can't see it too good in this picture.

Robyn is a stunning bright blue.  I actually won this color a few weeks ago.  It was a twitter 'Pixie Prize'.  If you don't foloow Zoya in twitter, you should and you can find them here.

Don't foget about the Zoya Polish Exchange!!!


Recalcitrant Nails said...

Must be Zoya day, I'm wearing Malia. :) Nice polish variety and they look great on you.

Unknown said...

Loving these colors. I may have to add Moxie to my exchange order. I need to wrap it up and send it off. hopefully today or tomorrow.