I've been tagged for the kreativ blogger award by kelliegonzo at Also Known As... Thanks, Kellie!
The rules are: tell 7 facts and tag 7 blogs
7 Facts
1. I have 6 tattoos that are actually 8, becasue 2 of them weren't big enough and I had them added to.
2. My goal is to one day own a salon or spa. I am a licensed Manicurist and Esthetician with zero interst in hair.
3. I have a huge pet peeve. I hope this doesn't offend anyone, but OPI is pronounced O P I (as initials), not opee.
4. I am hopelessly addicted to General Hospital. I have watched since I was a little girl and remember pretending I was sick so I could stay home and watch Luke and Laura's wedding.
5. I have naturally curly hair that I can't stand. I blow it out straight every time I wash it.
6. I LOVE music and going to shows. Mostly old punk and garage bands and Motley Crue!
7. I don't have make-up, I have a make-up collection. I have more make-up then I could ever possible use and I continue to buy more!
7 Blogs-I tried to pick some newbies
The Daily Nail
Lambchop Mobile
Concrete and Nail Polish
and...Lucy! We all love you Lucy!
Thanks for letting me let you in on a few facts about me :)
BLUSH Lacquers The Turn
16 hours ago
1 comment:
You picked me! Yay!
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